Hero Portfolio


Secured Messaging Service

Secured Messaging Service | Hero


The Client

A client in the communication field was looking to develop a communication application that went beyond usual texting and chats. They wanted to create a unique experience for each of their customers by means of a new way to communicate-through vibrations. In a nutshell, the client wanted to build an app that could connect people without talking.

Secured Messaging Service | About The Client
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The Project

The client approached AllianceTek to make a communication app compatible with both iOS and Android devices, which could facilitate communication between users by means of vibration instead of texting. The client wanted individuals to develop their own language by combining a predetermined set of vibration patterns. They also wanted to include other patterns such as scheduled Motifs that could trigger them without opening the app using hardware buttons.

Since the client had worked on some pilot projects with AllianceTek before, they were satisfied with our quality of work. The client found AllianceTek from Clutch.co based on their excellent track records and client reviews. They discussed the project with the CTO and technical team at AllianceTek and were confident enough to move forward with the project.

Secured Messaging Service | About The Project



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    Activate recurring schedules without launching the app

    The client wanted the application to have recurring schedules for the Motifs (predefined messages) and activate them using hardware buttons, without the need to launch the app on both iOS and Android.

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    The team of AllianceTek understood the concept and put it into execution by adding volume up and Down keys events to trigger the Motifs. The application also allowed the users to set up a list of contacts and a library of Motifs, all of which could be scheduled in advance and sent at a certain time. We also allowed for the configuration feature for the user. Users could send Motifs on these Volume button occurrences without unlocking or turning on their device's screen. Users could also create their own vibration patterns called Vrings and form their own language using the fundamentals of vibration patterns. They could send and receive Vrings just like text messages.

Secured Messaging Service | Challenge 01



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    Volume up/down feature

    The platform was very unique compared to any other projects and needed a very good understanding of how iOS and Google android OS works internally. There is no volume up/down change event in iOS. The only available audio-related event is a volume change. It was required to determine if the event was an up or a down event.

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    The team of AllianceTek customized the app for both Android and iOS devices. We were able to identify the modification using the most recently saved volume. If the present volume was higher than the previous volume, we considered it a UP event; otherwise, we considered it a DOWN event.

Secured Messaging Service | Challenge 02
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Investor Information


  • For the Motifs to activate, the AllianceTek team programmed the up and down volume keys to function in a unique way.

  • To acquire the volume button events even when the gadget is locked, we utilized OS broadcasts to detect the volume change.

  • The application included haptic vibration rings and allowed users can send and receive Vrings same as Text messages.

  • We customize the apps for both Android and iOS devices.

  • We gave users the accessibility control.

Secured Messaging Service | Features


What value did AllianceTek provide?

As an IT partner and solutions provider, AllianceTek will help you follow your objective and implement strategies that are unique to your business to see it through to completion.

  • AllianceTek helped the client reach their goal and educated them on the platform's technological restrictions, which were set by the iOS and Android operating systems.

  • AllianceTek managed to get the app functioning just as the customer wanted it to.

  • The client has now a functional app that they have released to the App Store and the Google Play Store, which is being downloaded and used by actual people.

  • AllianceTek's team succeeded in meeting the client's ultimate objective.


How did we manage large-scale projects from idea to completion?

  • We managed all of the requirements backlogs on the Azure Boards.

  • In order to keep the customer informed, we called them every week to give them the latest updates.

  • We exhibited the previous weeks’ worth of development work.

  • We were able to pull off a remarkably seamless execution thanks to our internal procedures.

Secured Messaging Service | How did we manage large-scale


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