The client was looking for development solutions to improve the code quality and add new modules to their website that markets seats for various industries including education, cinemas, worship, healthcare, performance arts and hospitality. They wanted solutions for managing their various products more efficiently while keeping in mind the code quality and improvising it wherever necessary.
A client approached AllianceTek to enhance the overall interface of their website and provide an efficient integrated platform for managing the various products they market. The objective was to use PHP and MySQL technology stack for making their application future-ready. The idea was to add products and their images, and sort them according to the layout of the website.
As an IT partner and solutions provider, AllianceTek will help you follow your objective and implement strategies that are unique to your business to see it through to completion.
The team at AllianceTek set down with the client and discussed all aspects of the websites they want to be changed and the codes they need to be improved. They first started with smaller coding tasks given by the client to prove their abilities. Once they were through, they moved on a scheduled routine to develop new and improvised code for the site.
Well-written codes for managing the products.
A compatible platform for featuring all their products along with a user-friendly interface.
A more convenient platform for uploading product videos within the Product Manager menu.
A more efficient website.
Ability to add more products, and images, and sort them to display on the website.
AllianceTek started with smaller tasks to make the client trust their potential and then moved on to the coding specifics.
The team used technology stacks such as PHP and MySQL to make the application future-proof.
Provided not only viable solutions for their website but also helped manage their products more efficiently from the backend.